Best place to buy in Melbourne-A data story

About the project

The project is an example of data science storytelling.


The project aims to provide useful informations for individuals who wish to find a home in one of the world most livable city- Melbourne.

This is a first cycle of a minimal viable analysis. The feedbacks of this will be used to create an interactive dashboard.


The projects combined three different datasets from Domain Media (texts), State Government of Victoria (reports) and a Kaggle competion.


The project has managed to tell a story, check the video for details.

You can interact with the visualisation here


The project only considered a small segment of the property landscape in Melbourne- 2 bedroom units. Other types of properties such as houses and apartments can provide a very different outcome.

What I’ve learned from this project:

  1. Simplicity trumps: Visualisation is created to serve the purpose of communication; simplicity provides clarity. “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” (Albert Einstein)
  2. Video Editing: The project presented me with the opportunity to learn how to create and edit video. The process has deepened my appreciation of videos as a storytelling medium, as well as the craft of creating them.
